Sunday, 29 May 2016

Salvation and Beyond

This week's message, Salvation and Beyond, was brought to us by Pastor Tim Roos. You can listen on the embedded player below or download the message here.

In closing we sang Grace Flows Down:

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Hang on to Hope

This week's message, Hang on to Hope, was brought to us by Pastor Cheryl Roos. You can listen on the embedded player below or download the message here.

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Power to Serve

This week's message, Power to Serve, was brought to us by Pastor Tim Roos. You can listen on the embedded player below or download the message here.

In closing we sang, Holy Spirit  by Francesca Battistelli:

Sunday, 8 May 2016

Be Winsome to Win Some

This week's message, Be Winsome to Win Some, was brought to us by Pastor Tim Roos. You can listen on the embedded player below or download the message here.